We create new jobs and businesses, we help you starting a new company or develope your existing one. Our job is your growth, our goal your freedom!
Incorporation, Services and Bank Account for your UK, Irish, US or Offshore Companies
Dear Customer,
Welcome to Wellings & Williams website dedicated to Business and Company formation. Here you will find usefull information concerning UK Limited Companies, Irish Companies, USA Companies, Offshore Companies and all related services we offer: from Company incorporations to your Business Bank Accounts opening (also remotely) in the UK or anywhere in Europe, in the US or Offshore and everything you need to run your Business from anywhere you are in the world!
We call upon professionals. entrepreneurs, and all those who want to start a new business or transfer part of his own into the UK, Ireland, another European Country, the US, or Offshore! This is a real opportunity that brings several advantages for you and your business.
Starting a new business, or modifying your own, by stepping in a company system fashioned after the British one is the best mean to achieve your professional objectives, avoiding red tape and simplifying your work and your life, protecting your assets, your privacy and your peace of mind at the same time.
The British trade and company systems are the most well-known; the iconic example of systems that benefit from a straightforward and trimmed-down bureaucracy, low taxation and strong private property rights. In fact, many other Countries all over the world took these and other british systems as a role model: Ireland, US, Denmark, Canada, and most of the 53 member countries of the Commonwealth of Nations.
Your choice to settle your business in an Anglo-Saxon model Country means that you want to invest in:
Reliability and rating of the Country. The United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and the Republic of Ireland have a positive and growing GDP, like the US. Their socio-economic systems are stable, therefore many companies, like Google or FIAT-Chrysler automobiles (just to name two renown examples), have established to settle their headquarters in these Countries and to take advantage of their more favourable socio-economic systems.
Privacy. The UK, Ireland and Denmark, even being part of the European Union, resolved not to go along with some of the European Community policies and decided therefore not to share personal data and bank data with other EU Countries, taking part to these EU regulations only partially (not to mention how official Brexit will affect this issue). Moreover, by the use of Trusts and Nominee Services, Company directors and Shareholders can avoid to appear in public records, protecting their identity and privacy.
Competitive taxation. Characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon Countries include low levels of regulation and taxes, strong private property rights and overall ease of doing business as well as low barriers to free trade. This means a much more favourable economic environment for your business development.
Keeping these aspects in mind we invite you to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by many Anglo-Saxon Countries. Benefit from the best economic environments around the world! That's what it means to be free citizens of the world!
Surf this website to find out more!
The UK is widely aknowledged as a role model for its institutions and financial policies, since bankers, economists and statesmen all over the world have looked at its systems to formulate their banking theories and national policies. That they're the best possible is debatable. However, it's undeniable UK's systems have been used as a model by many other countries. UK's "deregulation" created an economic euphoria that enabled its commercial banks to become universal banks in open competition with the american and japanese ones: a challenge based on London ability to lead the field in the international capital market. The Banks operating in the UK are international Banks and must be authorized by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and must meet severe requirements: that's why UK's banking system is so secure and stable.
The Irish economy, 'child of the British economy', has had an incredible growth by focusing on the provision of International Services and High-tech Industries. Its GDP has increased considerably as a result of the stable presence of many international companies that decided to settle their headquarters in Ireland, thanks to the tax reduction policies made possible by the stunning industrial growth of these last years. While export is still the driving force of the Irish economy, it greatly benefits of an increased internal consumption, of a new upswing in the construction sector and in industrial investments. Ireland is the main software and services related to the advanced tertiary sector exporter in the world, because of a strong tax disregard legislation for copyrights that makes it the best environment to market copyright-protected products like music and computer software, precisely.
The term 'off-shore Company' refers to a company incorporated in a foreign country jurisdiction operating out of the State where it is registered. Nowadays, this term is also used to talk about companies that benefit of their registration in a low tax jurisdiction with weak controls and minimum record-keeping requirements, making a limited amount of information available to the public. Most often, an offshore company is created to increase savings in terms of tax revenues. However, it can also bring additional advantages: assets protection, simplification and reduction of red tape, costs optimization and confidentiality. Not only the renown tropical islands offer offshore jurisdictions, in fact also big countries (usually not considered "off-shore") can offer low- or no-taxation to companies operating abroad (the UK, some State of the US, Portugal, Austria, Netherlands, and many more). It's legal to create and use off-shore companies for every citizen of any country!
Delaware is a tiny State of just 900.000 inhabitants, connected with the culture of Old England, a couple of hours' drive away from New York. Such a small State lacked economic resources until, in the 60s, it decided to put in place a new tax policy, in order to encourage foreign companies to settle their headquarters in the State, allowing a 0% taxation. This tax disregard legislation has had such a success that today there are more than 5 millions companies registered at Delaware's Company Register, counting therefore more than 5 companies per inhabitant! Moreover, the State of Delaware is not mentioned in tax-heavens black lists. This favourable tax treatment made sure that many major companies of the world settled their headquarters in this State, like Coca Cola, Goldman Sachs, Google, Facebook and many others. The 60% of the Fortune Companies have their headquarters in Delaware!
Discover also our business and personal banking account opening services "Peace of Mind"
*Legal Notice: Our Company Wellings & Williams International - Legal and Business Affairs, L.L.C. is a registered Delaware Company, regulated under US laws. We operate in European Union, in the UK and worldwide by our accredited professionals, Orders and Organizations with all the necessary authorizations to perform customers' mandates at financial institutions, credit institutions, banks and government agencies in the United Kingdom, in the Republic of Ireland, in the United States of America and in the jurisdictions where we operate. Wellings & Williams International - Legal and Business Affairs, L.L.C. furthermore, it uses Organizations and Companies registered at HM Revenue & Customs, the Irish Tax & Customs, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the USA and the Agencies of other jurisdictions to perform all the appropriate checks of the customers in compliance with the laws anti-money laundering (MLR).
Wellings & Williams International Group is authorisesd and registered by Information Commisioner's Office with number ZA583467 under Data protection register.
The prices for the opening of the bank account are professional legal commissions and do not cover expenses and bank commissions for the maintenance of accounts or transactions. Banks are entitled, at their own discretion, to accept or reject nominations for the opening of an account.