Promoting your business means having the opportunity to use efficient and appropriate banking services for your business. For this we recommend, we represent you and we do all the paperwork for you in front of the Banking Institute *.
Great Britain and Ireland have precise anti-money laundering regulations and a trend difference in the concept of "bank" compared to the rest of Europe: they are not only interested on deposits, but the bank wants to know customer's business and understand if it can invest on him. Great Britain and Ireland have therefore voted in favour of numerous investments about “banking services”, including EU citizens. Barclays Bank, for example, has tripled the bank account opening.
Thanks to the Commonwealth countries and some European countries that have shared the British banking policies, it is possible, once the Limited company is open, to decide where to have the bank account.
Our Service
“Banking Peace of Mind”
Our "Banking Peace of Mind" service gives you timely and precise assistance for opening your business bank account, choosing for your company the best bank or institute for your services, whether in the UK, Europe or USA.
With our service you will not have frustrations, worries and you will not lose time in cumbersome interviews or request of documents and frustrating "NO ".
With our service we do everything for you, valuing the customer and not the bank. The bank serves the customer and not vice versa!
Often many banks forget that the customer must be respected because it entrusts the bank with its resources: it is right that the customer has the best banking service guaranteed, to realize their business.
The power of the banks and the nightmare for non-residents: our "Peace of mind " service.
If it is relatively easy to open a company in the UK, Ireland and the United States it is also very difficult and frustrating to open a bank account for the company in these countries, if you are not a resident. Often customers who come to us, have been waiting months to open a bank account and then be told no: Rejected!
Why is it so difficult:
1) European risk centres, are not at all considered by the Anglo-Saxon countries, which have their central Credit Scoring. In fact you can have the worst rating in European risk centres that here in the United Kingdom no one will be interested in it as the opposite: if you paid everything regularly in Europe, is not worth anything in the countries of the Common Law. Therefore, being non-resident, the banks do not trust in absence of a financial rating in the Anglo-Saxon countries;
2) Function of the banks in the Anglo-Saxon countries: the controls of the banks about anti-money laundering and due diligence are very strict (there are not papers and papers to sign, like in the countries of the Civil Law, which are only formalities, but one sheet). In a bank does not exist the possibility that a revenue agency or a state entity can access your bank details. If there's something wrong, you have to deal with the bank, not the IRS. So in the face of absolute privacy, the bank controls. The bank itself wants to make sure it doesn't ruin the bank's reputation and that there's no money laundering.
3) Number of banks: banks in Europe, USA and UK are not so many. So they have more power and control functions.
4) Do not have risks: there is a careful and almost "paranoid" assessment of the bank's exposure in the subject of risk mangement.
Opening of the business bank account: due diligence, risk management and business analysis.
Dear Customer, a premise is a must: Great Britain and Ireland have voted in favour of numerous investments about “banking services” also for EU citizens. Ireland, despite being in the Schengen area and having adopted the Euro as a single currency, benefits from British origins and applies the same procedures. The British banks, like the European ones we work with, who have shared the British banking system, have a dynamic conception of the costumer: they are not interested in its deposits, but in its business. The bank wants to make the customer grow, and grow itself through the customer.
Therefore, KYC, due diligence, risk management and business analysis are fundamental in examining the demand for a bank account opening by new customers, and from these depends the opening or refusal by the bank to open a new account.
What differentiates us from other companies in the sector is our ability to perform the KYC procedure electronically (e-KYC), our good name, our relationships with many banking institutes and, not last, our known reliability.
Usually the bank asks for an interview and then to see at least once the customer to know him and his business and allow the bank manager to evaluate personally if the bank can satisfy his request. The interview lasts about 1.5 h, and the customer must have mastered the English language in order to support it, or to be accompanied by an acquaintance who has. According to the satisfaction of the Local Bank Manager will be guaranteed to the applicant a bank account between 4 and 8 weeks. However the final decision remains to the bank, so in some cases the bank account request can be declined, because the banks analyze the customer and its business and have no interest in making big numbers.
Our "Introduction" services to the bank and the "Remotely opening": Open a bank account in safety and quietness *.
We offer the "introduction" service, the customer's presentation to the bank. This is possible thanks to a credibility and reliability gained from relationships of mutual trust with various British and European banking institutes. We propose only opening of bank account where we are sure of the correct procedures and compliance with anti-money laundering laws, providing ad hoc solutions for every need. Through our service of "Introduction", we will therefore book the appointment with the Local Business Manager at the bank, accompany the customer for the interview and we will guarantee short time and success. In this case, the satisfaction of the Local bank Manager will guarantee to the applicant a bank account between 1 and 2 weeks, always in the absence of further verifications by the bank *.
We would like to inform you that we are able to open a business or personal account also in Great Britain and Ireland "remotely ", without the need for physical presence, through identification processes and electronic due diligence, known as e-KYC, while satisfying the same opening procedures, and doing all the necessary verification of identity and residence, in compliance with the Anti-money laundering regulations. The interview, when requested, is done through Skype or videoconferencing, in the presence of our consultant. This is possible thanks to our trust relationships with numerous companies and professionals accredited to banking institutes and government agencies *. Therefore, you will be able to meet all the demands of the banking institutes comfortably from your country of origin. This means that our customers can enjoy great savings of time and money, avoiding to travel; guarantee and quietness in the process of verifying the identity carried out in your country of origin. If necessary, in case of difficulties on your part in the authentication of documents, we will indicate solicitors accredited by the British Embassy, also with the function of “Notary Public” *.
Useful information about business bank accounts (and personal)
Many banks allow the opening of an account "remotely", even without the physical presence in branch office or to do the interview via Skype, through the e-KYC;
After the opening of your company's bank account, even if you have chosen to take advantage of the nominee services, internet banking, token, cheques and all credit and debit cards will be provided only to the account taker. Only the beneficiary will have access to the company account and not the nominee;
To open a bank account, banks normally carry out checks on the person who has access to it and not on the company that owns the account (due diligence);
The bank account of a British or Irish company must not necessarily be opened in the state in which the company is located;
For the new companies will be required to provide a description of the activity and its future projects and the curriculum vitae of the applicant. According to the satisfaction of the bank manager will be guaranteed to the applicant a bank account.
Once the bank account has been opened the beneficiary will receive the debit/credit card and the credentials for internet banking access to their personal domicile together with the cheques, or at the requested address. The account will be activated only after verification of all the documents requested to the beneficiary, as provided by the British and Irish laws.
Advantages and disadvantages of different bank accounts: United Kingdom, Ireland, European states and Offshore jurisdictions.
Bank account in the UK
Features. This type of account is intended exclusively for British Limited. It can also be opened "remotely", without the physical presence of the costumer. It always needs nominee services.
Advantages. The biggest advantage of having a British bank account is the prestige and being able to enjoy an advanced, stable and secure banking system. A British company with bank account in the same country, the United Kingdom, is certainly synonymous of extreme credibility. Possibility of multicurrency account. Most British banks offer free bank services for the first 12 months and checkbook and free credit/debit cards forever. Total Privacy. The account is protected by the government up to £85,000.
Disadvantages. A British bank account has no disadvantages. After the recent changes in internal regulations to British banking institutes, other companies are not able to provide such remote service or introduction to the bank as instead we pray we can do, guaranteeing for the customer.
Bank account in Ireland
Features. This type of account is intended exclusively for Irish Limited. It can also be opened "remotely", without the physical presence of the costumer.
Advantages. The biggest advantage of having an Irish bank account is the prestige and the power to enjoy an efficient and secure banking system. The Republic of Ireland is in the European Union, but it has the privacy and standards of the Anglo-Saxon banking world. An Irish company with Irish current account is certainly synonymous of credibility. Also here possibility of multicurrency account. The account is protected by the government up to €100,000.
Disadvantages. An Irish bank account has no disadvantages. After recent changes in internal regulations to Irish banking institutes, other companies are not able to provide such remote service or introduction to the bank as we do, guaranteeing for the customer.
Bank account in another country of the European Union
Advantages. Like the British banks, European banks are also quite prestigious. European customers often prefer European bank accounts to avoid EUR/GBP exchange rates although this problem is still solvable with a simple British or Irish multicurrency account. Opening this account does not present many difficulties and of course the greatest advantage is the possibility to make international transactions online in the majority of the banks in the world. Another advantage is the possibility of opening a European account on behalf of an offshore company while enjoying the efficiency of taxation and wide variety in banking services and products. Some European countries offer considerable privacy and data protection! The account is protected by the government up to €100,000.
Having the bank account of your British company in France, Spain or Portugal (a European bank account) is the best option if you want to engage in business in Europe with your British company if you have customers especially in Europe and less in Britain, or you simply prefer not to use the nominee services.
Jurisdictions in which we operate for Business bank account opening in addition to Ireland and the United Kingdom:
Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Switzerland and more.
Offshore bank account **
Advantages. Normally there are no particular problems in opening an offshore bank account in countries where a company is established and you meet the due Diligence requirements. Almost all banks of offshore jurisdiction have adopted world banking standards, including debit and credit cards, online banking, checkbooks and many other services.
Disadvantages. Apart from the relatively higher operating costs, offshore banking suffers from the well-known fact that many States may have restrictions on transfers to offshore banks. The list of these states varies from state to state, so it is always better to inquire in advance of which countries are part of the “black list” of your state. Normally we do not recommend offshore accounts to most customers because we can offer the same guarantees with methods a bit more complex but perfectly clear and legal, without arousing curiosity and checks only for the fact that they want to protect their privacy. The account is not protected by the Government (so some offshore jurisdictions have responded to this problem by establishing funds to protect deposits up to sums that may vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction in case of bank failures, please contact us to learn more about the different possibilities available in the world).
* Legal Notices:
Wellings & Williams International-Legal and Business Affairs, L.L.C. makes use of registered professionals in registers, orders and organizations with all the necessary authorizations to carry out the mandates of the customers in financial, credit institutes, banks and government agencies present in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, the United States of America and the jurisdictions where it operates. The Wellings & Williams International-Legal and Business Affairs, L.L.C. also serves organizations and companies registered with HM Revenue & Customs, the Irish Tax & Customs, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the USA and the agencies of other jurisdictions to carry out all the appropriate audits of customers in accordance with the anti-money laundering laws (MLR).
* * Our company assists for the opening of Offshore bank account